Day/Evening activity is a day/night service, which provides supervision and an organized program during a substantial part of the day in a group setting. Participation may be on a routine or occasional basis. Participant must be 18 years old and have an I/DD diagnosis. Our Program operates Monday—Friday 8am—2pm.

The service is designed to support the individual’s personal independence and promote social, physical and emotional well-being.


A Day/Evening activity program is distinguished from a “Drop In Center” in that the clients who participate in the program are usually referred to the program as a part of their treatment plan. We provide organized developmental activities for individuals (adults 18 and over) with intellectual and other developmental disabilities, or to individuals with physical disabilities, to prepare the individual to live and work as independently as possible. The activities and services are designed to adhere to the principles of normalization and community integration.

Specific professional services provided (routinely or occasionally) to some, but not all, consumers of the day program by professionals not assigned to the program, shall be reported and accounted for as a part of regular periodic services as defined (e.g., Screenings, Evaluations, individual or group Outpatient Treatment/Habilitation). Staff ratio is no more than 1:8. (Reference 10A NCAC 27G .5401)